The Game-Changing Benefits of Having a Warehouse on All Continents

Great IT companies operate globally. Having a presence on all continents is not only a privilege for big companies anymore. If you are not out there, you are losing money. Having a warehouse in each continent will open new markets and will scale your business. Here are the benefits you will enjoy by having warehouses all over the world.

1. Easier to Approach Global Markets

Africa and South America are blooming economies, but opening a new market is tough. Having a warehouse in Brazil or Kenya will help you optimize your supply chain and get access to remote locations. You can deliver your IT products to all of Africa or South America OVERNIGHT.

2. Stable Pricing

You cannot grow your business when you worry about unpredictable shipping costs. Having an inventory near your market will mitigate these fluctuations. You will save money and be more competitive while others are dealing with these problems.

3. Duty Exemption

A warehouse in a Free Trade Zone (FTZ) helps you avoid the lengthy customs duty drawback process. It means that destroyed, retrieved, and goods that need to be re-exported in an FTZ do not pay duties. You will save money, and it will be easier to manage your finances.

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4. Avoid Risks

Have you ever had problems with delays in shipping? Fluctuating weather, accidents, political instability, and pandemic can easily create a clogged supply chain. With a warehouse, you can chill knowing that your product has already passed through these barriers and is sitting just waiting to be delivered.

5. Inventory Visibility

Keep track of what is on your inventory! A well-managed warehouse system provides accurate stock visibility; you will be able to estimate supply and avoid backorders. Be prepared any time to satisfy your clients' needs.


Be the Leader of the Market

Having a warehouse in your different markets is a game-changer. Be the leader of the market. With Dragon Sino, you will have all these benefits FOR FREE, ANYWHERE ANYTIME, with no time restrictions or tricks.

Move IT equipment door to door ANYWHERE ANYTIME

We know that technology issues too often bring businesses to a halt. Dragon Sino helps your international IT company, SD-WAN company, and data center to move your IT anywhere anytime in the world.